Music, Moto, Kids, Reusable
Festivals, concerts and discos all have one thing in common: high noise levels. You really get an earful. Alright, so you could say that's the point and you go for the fun of it. But did you know that prolonged exposure to loud noises can have harmful effects on your hearing? That's why wearing earplugs is recommended. And if you still want to enjoy the music while being well protected, choose earplugs with acoustic filters.
It is well known that amplified sound can cause hearing fatigue and even deafness. We may experience this after a concert, a festival, or a night out at a disco.
Our ears ring or buzz when our hearing is damaged. This is often the case when we go to a concert without hearing protection. The auditory system is located in our inner ear and is made up of thousands of nerve cells or hair cells. It plays an important role in our hearing system.
Exposure to loud noises promotes the production of toxic substances that accumulate in the nerve cells. This prevents them from functioning properly.
Noises that exceed 80 decibels (some concerts have sound levels of over 100 dB!) are harmful. They are even more harmful when listened to for hours on end. This is usually the case during summer festivals.
Many people think that tinnitus is only temporary and not a cause for concern. This is often the case. However, for some people, these symptoms are immediate and permanent. That is why it is important to protect your ears from loud noises.
Do you care about your ears? Make sure you wear earplugs when you go to a festival, concert or nightclub. It's important to choose your earplugs carefully to ensure they are effective.
Earplugs prevent hearing damage. In other words, they protect your ears from the dangers of loud noises. At 80 decibels, our ears are at risk of being damaged the longer we are exposed to noise. This device is specially designed to reduce the noise level. Wearing them is the same as maintaining good hearing health.
Unlike "traditional" earplugs that "plug" the ear canal to reduce the noise level experienced, earplugs with acoustic filters, such as Blox Xperience Music, not only ensure continuous ventilation of the ear but also guarantee a preserved listening quality for an intact musical experience. The filters act on the frequencies of sounds, reducing their harmfulness while maintaining a clear and authentic sound. This makes them more comfortable, less damaging to the quality of the music and just as effective.
Filter earplugs can be worn in any place that seems too noisy. They are very practical when going to concerts, nightclubs or festivals. Just like for the public, these devices are also worn by musicians. Some of them, who are very famous, have had painful experiences with noise aggression and now suffer from tinnitus. Stars such as Chris Martin (Coldplay), Paul Stanley (Kiss) and Angèle can no longer imagine performing without earplugs and regularly try to make their audiences aware of this problem.
Enjoy yourself and take care of yourself.
Here are some other equally important tips for taking care of your ears:
Take breaks every 45 minutes from sound sources;
Avoid standing in the loudest places, such as near speakers.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it will reduce your resistance to loud sounds.
And we can't stress this enough, keep a healthy lifestyle ;-)